fight the mandates

email templates
- ORP: Do NOT Endorse prior to the Primary!! Contact Committee Members TODAY!!!
On Friday, 2/18/22, the Republican State Central Committee (governing body of the Ohio Republican Party) have 'locked-out' the public from attendance and expect to vote on endorsing incumbent candidates like DeWine, Yost, LaRose, etc. and/or establishment 'favorites' like Mandel or Timken for Senate. TAKE ACTION with a single template email you can copy paste to ALL voting members: NO ENDORSEMENTS prior to May 3rd, 2022!
- HB248 Ballot Initiative Contact Reps TODAY!!!
The Ohio State Legislature isn't listening to The People, so now WE have to take action to defend our liberties. No more mandates, no more testing, no more masks, no more vaccine IDs: Just freedom.
We need to ACT IMMEDIATELY to ensure that the OH Senate fixes a few glaring problems with HB218 which House Republicans just passed on Thurs 11/18. Even with these, is HB218 perfect? -- No. It only covers C-19 V's, and it expires in a few years. LOOK: We have many people in the medical field about to lose their jobs, and this bill would also prevent any business from requiring proof for entry. Let's get some tweaks done to HB218, get it passed, and BUY TIME for the HB248 petition to get onto the ballot and written into Ohio Constitutional law. Sadly, unless we show up in the THOUSANDS at the Ohio Capitol to demand HB248, I don't think the GA has the courage to pass it. FOREMOST what we all need right now is a Bill that CAN pass, pass QUICKLY as "emergency" legislation, AND survive a veto override.
- HB248 Ends Vaccine Mandates Contact Reps TODAY!!!
On April 6, 2021, Rep Jennifer Gross introduced HB248, which would eliminate vaccine mandates AND discriminatory practices businesses and local governments are using to force or coerce vaccination. Currently, there is an effort to discharge it from committee, to force a House Floor vote.
- Need a Religious Exemption? Fill out Form
It is appalling: Many churches and pastors across the nation fail to defend their flock. Some even encourage them that Jesus would want them to give in. Don't do that. Claim your faith. Reverend Damon M Appel is willing to sign an exemption for you based on sound Scripture and help you with your own statement. Just fill out the form.
- Mayor of Strongsville, OH
Republican (?) Mayor Thomas Perciak of Strongsville has implemented a vaccine mandate for all city employees. Go to the Stronsville mayor's page and submit their form, or call his office and let him know how you feel.
- MetroHealth Deadline: 10/30/21
On Aug 26, 2021, MetroHealth President and CEO Dr. Akram Boutros set 10/30/21 as the final date for all employees, contractors and volunteers to be fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine.
(Let Dr Boutros know on Twitter, how vile his policy is) - Mount Carmel Deadline: 12/31/21
On July 8, 2021, Trinity Health (the corporate parent of Mount Carmel) announced that all employees, contractors and "those conducting business in its health care facilities" would need to receive full vaccination by the end of the year. There are "rolling deadlines", so the exact date for final dosing is unclear. Click the link for an email template & contact info for CEO Lorraine Lutton, to let her know how evil this policy is.
- Nationwide Children's Deadline: 10/30/21
On Aug 3, 2021, Nationwide Children's released a public statement setting 10/1/21 as the final date for all employees, vendors and volunteers to be fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine.
(Fill up their Twitter feed with your disgust for their policy) - OhioHealth Deadline: 12/1/21
On Aug 24, 2021, OhioHealth Director of Infectious Diseases, Dr. Joe Gastaldo, announced that all employees, including independent physicians, those in "patient-facing" and "non-patient-facing" roles, and students and vendors, would need to be fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine by 12/1/21.
(Let Dr Gastaldo know on Twitter, how vile his policy is) - Summa Health Deadline: 10/31/21 (10/17/21)
On Aug 5, 2021, Summa Health CEO Cliff Deveny set 10/17/21 as the deadline for all employees to receive their final dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, making them "fully vaccinated" by 10/31/21. Click the link for an email template & contact info to let the CEO know how evil his policy is.
All the tyranny that fascists love
Now is the time to stand with the “front-line workers” that America shutdown for in March of 2020. The same people we held up as heroes back then, are being treated like dispensable cattle today…all while at the same time hospital administrators moan about a ‘shortage in staffing’. This American Republic was founded on the principles that we are given certain inalienable rights by our Creator; that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The mere concept of employers presuming to have rights over injecting substances into their employees’ bodies is repulsive to the American concept of liberty. With the COVID-19 vaccines being based upon experimental “mRNA” (Messenger RNA) technology never released to the public prior to Emergency Use Authorization in December 2020, these are NOT “normal vaccines”. Moderna itself (one of the prime suppliers of the 3 currently on-market) states that “RNA is just as critical as DNA”. …. Stand up for your fellow Ohioans; your fellow Americans! Hit the links below, and send an email to the CEOs attempting to enforce this unlawful and ungodly practice upon their staff.